This is a short story written by me for "Kathalaya", an organization that promotes story telling. The campaign's underlying thought was, "there's a story everywhere".
Stories were stuck on random objects ranging from a chair to a tree.
I wrote this story posing as a bookshelf in a book store.
hey deviah
Nice one man.. U just cant not slip a PJ into everything u write... he he he...
But the number of posts on the blog are awfully few for a writer like u i must say.. write more often.
keep in touch.
i've thought and thought all these years as to who's writing your style resembles.
i tried relating your work to as many writers as i came across, but i couldn't find one.
however i couldn't come to the conclusion that you're stuff was original, and dint have a semblance of influence.
i hope i'm right. however, joseph heller's catch-22 seems to strike a chord with yours.
(or is it the other way round? :))
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